PRIER encourages public to detach hoses for winter
What: Coinciding with National Checklist Day, PRIER Products encourages homeowners and businesses to detach their hoses, splitters and timers for the winter season.
When: Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Why: Insurance companies paid out more than $4 billion in claims for frozen, burst pipes in the past decade, according to the Institute for Business and Home Safety. A frozen pipe can occur due to various issues, including poor insulation, unheated crawlspaces, outdoor attachments, among other preventable steps. Leaving a hose, splitter or timer attached to the house during the winter creates the opportunity for the water to freeze in the line, thus resulting in a burst pipe and water damage. When the hose, splitter, timer and other accessories are detached, the hydrant will drain upon shutting it off. PRIER designs and manufactures residential and commercial hydrants. As a public service announcement, PRIER seeks to save homeowners and businesses from the hassle of flooded basements and structures by sharing simple tips and sponsoring #DetachYourHoseDay.
“At PRIER we make it our mission to be the best supplier, and educate the industry so everyone can avoid costly repairs,” said Nick Manning, president of PRIER Products. “#DetachYourHoseDay is intended to be an annual event. We encourage contractors, business owners, facility managers and the entire plumbing community to rally behind the message, share the hashtag and tips with its followers.”